Love IslandandThe Bachelorare two of the biggest dating show franchises in the world, andthat sort of popularity breeds inevitable comparisons.Both have grappled with controversy, and, like most reality TV, neither are entirely perfect.And givenall the different seasons, spin-offs, and localizations both shows have had, it's not easy to definitively choose one over the other.
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However, that hasn't stopped fans from taking to Reddit to argue about which show does what better. There's certainly plenty to love aboutLove Island— it's newer, fresher, and presents a much more realistic view of the dating process thanThe Bachelor. But many Reddit users have argued thatThe Bachelorstill reigns supreme, and they're more than happy to say why.
Is Less Melodramatic
A now-deleted Reddit user's list of "pros"for the two shows made plenty of good points about thingsBachelor in Paradisecould learn fromLove Island,such as adding more drama, while also keeping things authentic enough to not appear engineered.
However, they praisedBachelor in Paradiseforbeing"less intrusive and melodramatic" in the editing room — an important difference. To some viewers, this makes theBachelorfranchise seem boring, but to others, it makes it seemmore tasteful and subdued than the all-out abrasiveness ofLove Island.
Is Less "Trashy"
Reddit userbuttercuprosies, responding to the list of comparisons betweenLove IslandandBachelor in Paradise, claimed that the main reason they couldn't get intoLove Islandwas that it was too "trashy". The cast members reminded them of competitors on MTV'sJersey Shore, and not in a good way. They also added that, while there areplenty of "Instagram influencers" in theBachelorcast, "some do have legit careers."
On the flip side, one user was quick to point out that "Love Islandis actually more successful in love stories than[Bachelor in Paradise]", while another responded "[Love Island] is a bit trashier... but I kind of love that."
Has Shorter Seasons
Love Island's lengthy seasons are a bit of a novelty in the world of reality television, and for some viewers, there's just too much show to keep track of. For comparison,The Bachelorhas around 12 episodes per season, while the most recent series ofLove Islandtook up 49 episodes.
A now-deleted Reddit user ventedon r/BachelorNation that they "really want to get into [Love Island] but ... just cannot get on board with how many episodes a season there are." Replies to this comment suggested solutions to the issue, such as taking breaks between binge-watching episodes and fast-forwarding through recap episodes.
Is Less Boring
Even fans that are fine with committing to the averageLove Islandseason's massive runtime (such as SomePlatypus6370) admit the show tends to get dull at points. The Bachelor may be more "staged", but having certain scenarios planned out in advance can work in its favor— it guarantees there'llnever be a wasted moment.
But with Love Island's current format, Bachelor fans are having a hard time plowing through it. As user eliaofdorne98 put it, "It felt like the episodes dragged on without much happening."
Has More Mature Contestants
Consideringwhich audiencesthe two franchisesare marketed to, it's no surprise thatLove Island's contestants are generally younger on average thanThe Bachelor's. Fans looking for more sincere, adult connections between cast members might view this as a liability.
However, age isn't the only advantageBachelorcontestants have over theirLove Islandcounterparts.User MalletSwingingspecifically opined thatBachelor in Paradise'scouples, having already appeared on previousiterations ofThe Bachelor, are much more "mature" and well-versed in their series' format thanLove Islandcontestants.Love Islandhas yet to hostan "all-star" season.
Is More Idealistic
Reddit user hsandusky believesone reasonThe Bachelormight have a chance at holding out againstLove Island's popularity is that "it is idealistic", presenting the idea that finding true love is as simple as picking and choosing from pre-selected candidates.
It views dating through rose-tinted glasses, but that unbroken fantasy could be the secret to its longevity.One downside toLove Island's way of being "more akin to how dating is in the real world" is that it takes away some of the innocent charm of a standard dating show.
Is More Organized
Over on r/LoveIslandTV,user tchsf questionedwhyLove Islandseems to have "run its course" despite being a fairly new addition to the dating show lineup. They specifically mentionedThe Bacheloras an example of a show that "always has the same format every year but is still successful and entertaining for viewers."
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User kawhinotmofos claimedin response that not changing significantly over the years is exactly why shows likeThe BachelorandBig Brotherachieve success. "Love Islandis just not as organized or structured", anddespite being more predictable,The Bachelordoes exactly what it says on the tin.
Has BetterDates
It's no secret thatLove Island's dates aren't the show's strongest suit. In fact,it's a running gag behind-the-scenes ofLove Islandthat narrator Iain Stirling will find as much tomake fun ofabout the dates as possible— even when it's not entirely warranted. But that being said, Reddit fans of bothLove IslandandTheBacheloragree thelatter show has much more interesting dates.
In fact, Reddit userMyNamesChakkaoofka made an entire postsuggesting howLove Islandcould improve its dates,using examples fromThe Bachelor. The gist of it is that "each islander gets to pick apersonally meaningfuldate to go on" to test their compatibility and let the audience "get to know [them]better."
Is Unforgettable
In one user's eyes, the biggest reason forThe Bachelor's enduring popularityis how memorable itis (particularly when it comes to contestants). Reddit usercarlysaurusnoted that users on r/thebachelor "remember and seriously discuss people from 10+ years ago." Comparatively, they themself will "watch a season ofLove IslandorThe Circleand completely forget about it and everyone on it soon after."
And that's what's at the heart of many discussions aboutThe Bachelor's perceived superiority— ithas its ups and downs, but "Bachelor Nation" will always remember the ups.The Bachelormight need toreinvent itselfandchange how things are run backstage, but it's perfected a brilliantly simple format over the yearsto create unforgettable television.
Offers More Protection For Contestants
Love Island is packed to the brim with drama, and like many dating shows, it thrives on secrecy and disconnect, often achieved by exploiting contestants' emotions. Thanks to its live format, it also has a far more activefanbasethan The Bachelor, giving trolls an easy opportunity to mix in.
It could be argued that both shows manipulate their contestants, and neither does a good job of protecting them from unkind fans. But asReddit user merzickel sees it,Love Island's commitment to unfiltered reality causes far more serious problems for its couples thanABC's "selective editing" of The Bachelor. While theBachelorcrew has plenty of issues, merzickel believes "they protect contestants in a lot of ways that these 'let's show everything' franchises don't."